

Os10+Mais – FOLHA DE S.PAULO - São Paulo – Brazil

“Theater and dance are allied to show how much the philosophy of Nietzsche resists the banality and ingrains the whole body, not only the intellect. Directed by Maura Baiocchi and Wolfgang Pannek, the play stages the discourse and the pathos of ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’.”

Jaime Gesisky – XYZ Festival – Brasília - Brazil
“It is a prestidigitation that causes a bewitchment in the observer and moves internal worlds that were at an unthinkable distance. A unique scenic reflection, rare, without comparison that touches the audience in a very particular manner. The language developed by Taanteatro is the result of decades of research dedicated to the performing arts expression. It makes us dream while we are awake.”

Beate Niemeyer – WESER KURIER – Bremen – Germany
“Incomparable, unique and cutting-edge…an incredible stage presence…stories always new, sustained by the genius body language and the energy of the dancers.”

Daniela Spósito – CLARIN – Buenos Aires – Argentina
“The enthusiasm was remarkable in the play by Taanteatro Company. Videos, paintings and live music accompanied  the dance of the protagonists, evoking a transition from an almost animal like existence to a state of self-affirmation and will to power and creative liberty.  At the end of the performance the audience stepped on stage to dance and sing together with the actors.”

La Prensa – Buenos Aires – Argentina
“Taanteatro Company was brilliant!”

El Ciudadano – Rosário – Argentina
“A surprising play…an innovative proposal…a powerful cast.”

Nelson de Sá – FOLHA DE S. PAULO - São Paulo – Brazil
“Baiocchi, the most important Brazilian exponent of butoh dance, exposed in her play much more than this original influence. Apollonian in spite of being Dionysian, extremely rigorous, in the middle of a major, as one (Brazilian) might say,  “asswholiness”. The performance’s visual quality and the gestural refinement are of extreme care. Valter Felipe is the perfect example of this integration. The actor’s movements are so precise and at the same time toned with a kind of abuse, a fascinating snobbery.”

La Voz Del Interior – Córdoba – Argentina
“A pleasurable play of energies. ‘The pain goes, but pleasure wants eternity’.  An almost perfect definition of the Taanteatro experience.”

Celso Araujo – GUIA LOCAL – Brasília - Brazil
“Maura Baiocchi, one of the most impressive figures ever seen on Brazilian stages, dominates all “modules” of an original and contemporary mis-en-scène. She creates a poignant and chilling scene, an imaginary drama of extreme relevance, exploration and aesthetically incredible.”

Alberto Guzik – ESTADO DE S. PAULO - São Paulo – Brazil  Download PDF in Portuguese
“Taanteatro belongs today to an important group of Brazilian artists who investigate the language of performing arts.”

Francisco Wasilewski – PALCO E PLATÉIA – Porto Alegre - Brazil
“As far as Wolfgang Pannek’s acting is concerned, the audience is immediately placed inside the play’s oppressive atmosphere upon entering the theater.  A smart set and precise lighting. It is a great pleasure to see such a homogeneous cast. Those who appreciate great actors had a kind of redemption.”

Nelson de Sá – FOLHA DE S.PAULO - São Paulo – Brazil
“Taanteatro stands out. Their plays are very well done, with intense care for creation and finishing touches. The development of texts and the study of the physical action lead to unique paths.”