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Stage Presence & Choreographic Theater of Tensions

January 18th to 31st 2009

São Lourenço da Serra – São Paulo State – Brazil

Maura Baiocchi e Wolfgang Pannek  | Directors of Taanteatro Companhia

The 9th Taanteatro Residence Workshop’s (TTRW 2009) purpose is for its participants to create solo performances based upon the taanteatro approach. Taanteatro is grounded on the idea that the quality and efficiency of the performer’s communicative potential depend on his or her capacity of operating tensions: intra-tensions (internal landscape of the body), inter-tensions (between bodies of all kind) and infra-tensions (social-political and cultural field).

Open to 12 participants:
actors, dancers, professionals and students from other areas interested in amplifying and intensifying their expressive potential.

Arrival: January 17th (Saturday)
Workshop: January 18th to 31st
Departure: February 1 (Sunday)

2008 Residence Workshop Photos

Theoretic-creative approaches/Concepts

    * Tensions
    * inBetween and Event
    * Pentamuscularity and Ecorporality
    * Schizo-presence
    * Meta-choreography
    * (Trans)Personal Mythology

Practical-creative approaches/Trainings

    * Mandala of Corporal Energy – focuses on relaxation, flexibility, stretching, toning, voice and improvisation by 
      means of a sequence of 7 interconnected dances: sleep & awake; zeroing; arc-arrow-aim; the heart and the 
      serpent’s power ; states of matter; wave; sea-rhythm.
    * Rite of passage
    * The Stride
    * Butoh (Kazuo Ohno’s method)
    * Shiatsu-stretching
    * Endeavor – works on endurance, strength and coordination through exercises based on capoeira, martial arts   
      and other sports
    * Skeleton massage with stick, bamboo and mantras
    * (De)Construction of solo performance based on (Trans)Personal Mythology


Taanteatro: teatro coreográfico de tensões – By Maura Baiocchi and Wolfgang Pannek (Azougue Editorial, RJ, 2007). This book is included in the Worshop’s fee. Other publications about a variety of issues like philosophy, mythology, arts etc. will be available during the workshop.

Schedule of daily activities

07:30 – 08:30: Breakfast
09:00 – 13:00: Training
13:00 – 15:00: Lunch
15:00 – 17:00: Studies
17:00 – 19:00: Training
19:00 – 20:00: Dinner

Observation: the schedule can be changed according to collective need.

Total amount of classes: 110 hours


View Larger Map

TaanHouse lies 50 kilometers from downtown São Paulo, in the outskirts of São Lourenço da Serra, a region of springs and rivers in the Atlantic rainforest. Pure air, fountain water, swimming pool, options for walking in the forest and bathing in waterfalls. TRaining is held in a large nature-embedded workspace (loft), in the amphy-bambu-theater and in open-air sites.

Address: Estrada José Delfino Pinto (antiga Estrada da Embratel) 56, Bairro Fazenda Vitória – São Lourenço da Serra – São Paulo – Brazil – ZIP 06890 991

Tel: 0055 11 4686 1547

Access: Km 303,5 of highway Rodovia Régis Bittencourt that connects São Paulo with Curitiba/Paraná (direction São Paulo).

In 2 houses inside the Taanteatro Estate. Rooms for 2 to 3 people. Photos of TaanHouse & TTRW 2006

Food and cook included. Meals according to schedule.

Application Process
E-mail materials to: contato@taanteatro.com

1) Letter of Intention: tell us why you want to participate in the workshop. (1 page max)

2) Curriculum Vitae and personal information (name, e-mail, phone, age, profession or occupation, address)

The Letter of intention and the Curriculum Vitae helps us to get to know you a little better and to find out if there are any incompatibility between your interests and the purposes of the workshop. If there are no incompatibilities you will receive a message of acceptance. Your registration becomes effective upon payment  of the first payment installment.


1) Bring a notebook.
2) Bring elements you would like to use in your solo-performance (music, costume, text, objects etc.)
3) Bring clothes for exercise, swimming pool, proper shoes for walking in the countryside, be prepared for sun and rain.
4) Prepare yourself for taking holidays from you daily life style.

Comments from former participants

I feel that I found something that re-signifies art and that I can study and develop, a new way. Like being reborn after the implosion of structures a dying several times.
Willian Lopes
– actor and director – Brasília/DF

A very good experience. Fifteen days dedicated to what I love: growth and creation. Very intense!
Pamela Fernández – dancer – Buenos Aires/Argentina

The coordinators are very perceptive in relation to every single participant; their internal time, specific needs and creative purposes. The personal process was enriched by the observation of the experience and internal transformations of every other participant. It was a good collective encounter and a territory with rich soil which nurtured the most diverse kinds of seeds.
Araceli Mosich - dancer – Rosário/Argentina

The residence workshop made me feel like I was re-born from myself and I felt an incredible joy of being and being alive.
Bianca Livonious – actress – São Paulo

Excellent experience in a variety of ways. It opened up a new world to me, ideas that I will continue to explore. Interesting learning for theater and life. The method seemed very personalized to me at the same time as it stimulated creative interaction with the other participants. I felt very involved in the process, living intensely and full of will. The coordinators are very generous in the transmissions of their teachings and deep experiences.  It was a great opportunity that I will not forget. The interaction with the group was very intense and positive.  There was always respect for everybody’s work, very affective people, beautiful to meet. The heterogeneity of the group was interesting and permitted that the experiences became richer and more intense.
Rodrigo Marcó del Ponto – Actor, director, History teacher – Ushaia/Land of Fire/Argentina

The residence workshop was a real breakthrough for our works.
Calé Miranda – director – Penedo
Cátia Costa – actress and dancer – Rio de Janeiro

You are always on my side when I create new work.  I always practice the Mandala of body energy before stepping on stage.  I am very grateful for this!!!
Rodolfo Ossès – actor – Córdoba/Argentina

Impressive! I still have the entire process’s sensation of energy in my body. Really intense.
Shirley Pereira – dancer – Brasília

This experience was a great ritual, a submerge into sensorial, energetic, personal and transpersonal, artistic and philosophical discoveries. The theoretical provocations still resound, the physical activities awakened the body and made ready it for further research. The small and big ritual revealed to be essential and something to be cultivated in theater and life. The isolation permitted a subtle listening of oneself and all involved muscles. It was a experience of intense apprenticeship, of love, exchange, living together with diversity and self-transformations that question old choices and forms of life. Now action is required.
Juliana Sá – dancer and actress – Brasília/DF

Beyond being very profound and new for me, the workshop made me reconnect with nature and gave me equilibrium and joy.
Eliane Rizk – actress and producer – São Paulo